Happy May Day!

Happy International Workers’ Day! May 1st doesn’t just mark the first day of a new month–it's a global celebration of workers’ rights and solidarity! Here at the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum, we’re all about honoring these victories and sharing the stories behind them. We also know there’s plenty more to do. 

The weekends, overtime pay, an 8-hour work day, and holidays aren’t just random perks, and they weren’t freely given either. These rights are the results of hard-fought victories won by organized workers who stood up for what they believed in. Ain’t that a piece of history worth remembering and celebrating? 

If you’re nodding along (and we have a hunch you might be, especially if you’re reading along on our blog), we’ve got an invitation for you to celebrate today with us! Starting at just $5/month with a museum membership, you can ensure that these stories are accessible, told, and celebrated for generations to come.